版本在:2021/6/16 上午12:39

Briefly, ...

## For one sentence


## Search results

### Search: Canadian (not an exact match, so gets "Canadians", too.)
from: eng
to: jpn
list: 907
direct translations only


### Search: Boston
from: eng
to: jpn
audio: yes
sort: created
(direct and indirect translations)


### Search: =play (exact match)
from: eng
to: jpn
list: 907
sort: words
direct translations only


## Paging

You can find out how many pages there thanks to the count and the perPage in the paging information.


  "paging": {
    "Sentences": {
      "finder": "all",
      "page": 2,
      "current": 8,
      "count": 18,
      "perPage": 10,
      "start": 11,
      "end": 18,
      "prevPage": true,
      "nextPage": false,
      "pageCount": 2,
      "sort": null,
      "direction": null,
      "limit": null,
      "sortDefault": false,
      "directionDefault": false,
      "scope": null,
      "completeSort": []

## For information on the API, ...

See https://github.com/Tatoeba/tatoeba2/issues/2669

版本在:2021/6/16 上午12:41

Briefly, ...

## For one sentence


## Search results

### Search: Canadian (not an exact match, so gets "Canadians", too.)
from: eng
to: jpn
list: 907
direct translations only


### Search: Boston
from: eng
to: jpn
audio: yes
sort: created
(direct and indirect translations)


### Search: =play (exact match)
from: eng
to: jpn
list: 907
sort: words
direct translations only


## Paging

You can find out how many pages there thanks to the count and the perPage in the paging information.


  "paging": {
    "Sentences": {
      "finder": "all",
      "page": 2,
      "current": 8,
      "count": 18,
      "perPage": 10,
      "start": 11,
      "end": 18,
      "prevPage": true,
      "nextPage": false,
      "pageCount": 2,
      "sort": null,
      "direction": null,
      "limit": null,
      "sortDefault": false,
      "directionDefault": false,
      "scope": null,
      "completeSort": []

The properties you'll be interested in are:

page - this is the current page.
current - this is the number of items displayed in the current page.
count - this is the total number of results.
perPage - this is the number of results per page.
To know how many pages there are in total, you divide count by perPage and round up to the upper integer.

## For information on the API, ...

See https://github.com/Tatoeba/tatoeba2/issues/2669


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