版本在:2023/10/7 上午3:20


This page describes how to get started with the Tatoeba API.

## Retrieving a sentence with a known ID

To retrieve sentence number 1:


## Search results

### How to Construct a Call Based on an Advanced Search

To figure out how to make a call to the API, you can perform an advanced search from the Tatoeba website, then change the first part of the URL from this:


to this:


For instance, if you use the advanced search interface to select English sentences without audio that contain the word "those", you will see that the URL looks like this:


Change the first part of the URL in order to produce this URL, which uses the API:


### Example 1

Search: English sentences containing the word "play". 

_Note: The equals sign, represented by "%3D" in the URL, is necessary in order to specify an exact match in English and several other languages. For more information about specifying exact matches, see "Main search field" in [How to Search for Text](text-search#)._

 - query: **=play**
 - from: **eng**


### Example 2

Search: English sentences containing the word "Canadian", "Canadians", etc., that have direct Japanese translations

 - query: **Canadian**
 - from: **eng**
 - to: **jpn**
 - translations: **direct only**


### Example 3

Search: English sentences in list 907 containing the word "Boston" that have audio and Japanese translations (direct or indirect), sorted by creation date

 - query: **Boston**
 - from: **eng**
 - to: **jpn**
 - audio: **yes**
 - list: **907**
 - sort: **by creation date**
 - translations: **direct and indirect**


## Paging

You can use the count and perPage in the paging information to find out how many pages are contained in the search results. For instance, the following call:


will produce the following result:

    "paging": {
      "Sentences": {
        "finder": "all",
        "page": 2,
        "current": 8,
        "count": 18,
        "perPage": 10,
        "start": 11,
        "end": 18,
        "prevPage": true,
        "nextPage": false,
        "pageCount": 2,
        "sort": null,
        "direction": null,
        "limit": null,
        "sortDefault": false,
        "directionDefault": false,
        "scope": null,
        "completeSort": []

The relevant properties are:

 - `page`: current page
 - `current`: number of items displayed in the current page
 - `count`: total number of results
 - `perPage`: number of results per page

To find the number of pages in total, divide `count` by `perPage` and round up to the nearest integer.

## GitHub issue

GitHub issue [#2669][1] contains discussion of the API, beginning with the initial proposal.

  * [https://github.com/Tatoeba/tatoeba2/issues/2669](https://github.com/Tatoeba/tatoeba2/issues/2669)

## Also read ....

 * [Using the Tatoeba Corpus for Your Own Projects](https://en.wiki.tatoeba.org/articles/show/using-the-tatoeba-corpus)

* [api.dev.tatoeba.org](https://api.dev.tatoeba.org/)

版本在:2025/2/12 上午3:22


This page describes how to get started with the Tatoeba API.

## Retrieving a sentence with a known ID

To retrieve sentence number 1:


## Search results

### How to Construct a Call Based on an Advanced Search

To figure out how to make a call to the API, you can perform an advanced search from the Tatoeba website, then change the first part of the URL from this:


to this:


For instance, if you use the advanced search interface to select English sentences without audio that contain the word "those", you will see that the URL looks like this:


Change the first part of the URL in order to produce this URL, which uses the API:


### Example 1

Search: English sentences containing the word "play". 

_Note: The equals sign, represented by "%3D" in the URL, is necessary in order to specify an exact match in English and several other languages. For more information about specifying exact matches, see "Main search field" in [How to Search for Text](text-search#)._

 - query: **=play**
 - from: **eng**


### Example 2

Search: English sentences containing the word "Canadian", "Canadians", etc., that have direct Japanese translations

 - query: **Canadian**
 - from: **eng**
 - to: **jpn**
 - translations: **direct only**


### Example 3

Search: English sentences in list 907 containing the word "Boston" that have audio and Japanese translations (direct or indirect), sorted by creation date

 - query: **Boston**
 - from: **eng**
 - to: **jpn**
 - audio: **yes**
 - list: **907**
 - sort: **by creation date**
 - translations: **direct and indirect**


## Paging

You can use the count and perPage in the paging information to find out how many pages are contained in the search results. For instance, the following call:


will produce the following result:

    "paging": {
      "Sentences": {
        "finder": "all",
        "page": 2,
        "current": 8,
        "count": 18,
        "perPage": 10,
        "start": 11,
        "end": 18,
        "prevPage": true,
        "nextPage": false,
        "pageCount": 2,
        "sort": null,
        "direction": null,
        "limit": null,
        "sortDefault": false,
        "directionDefault": false,
        "scope": null,
        "completeSort": []

The relevant properties are:

 - `page`: current page
 - `current`: number of items displayed in the current page
 - `count`: total number of results
 - `perPage`: number of results per page

To find the number of pages in total, divide `count` by `perPage` and round up to the nearest integer.

## GitHub issue

GitHub issue [#2669][1] contains discussion of the API, beginning with the initial proposal.

  * [https://github.com/Tatoeba/tatoeba2/issues/2669](https://github.com/Tatoeba/tatoeba2/issues/2669)

## Also read ....

 * [Using the Tatoeba Corpus for Your Own Projects](https://en.wiki.tatoeba.org/articles/show/using-the-tatoeba-corpus)

 * A new API is being developed at [api.tatoeba.org](https://api.tatoeba.org/)


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