版本在:2020/7/25 上午1:54

# Tatoeba audio

## Audio files are contributed by volunteers

* If a sentence doesn't yet have audio, it's because nobody has recorded one for us.
* If you would like to help by recording audio, please read the instructions below.

## How to contribute audio

### Requirements

* You must have a good microphone because sound quality is important.
* You should only record audio in your strongest (native) language.
* You agree that your audio may reused in other projects than Tatoeba.

### Send us samples

1. Pick a few random sentences (just two or three), record them, and send us the samples at **team@tatoeba.org**. This way we can evaluate whether the sound quality is good enough.
2. Use the following subject for your email: **Audio for Tatoeba in [language_name]**.
3. We will contact you back as soon as possible to let you know if you can continue recording.
4. If your audio is good enough, we will send you a list of sentences to record.

### Check the sentences you are recording

* In the list that we sent you, verify that the sentences sound natural to you and do not have any mistake.
* If a sentence doesn't sound natural or has a mistake, remove it from the list. Do **NOT** record audio for a sentence that has a mistake.
* We would appreciate that you also post a comment on the sentence on Tatoeba so that the sentence can be corrected.
* Also, if there are any sentences that you do not feel comfortable recording (because they are too vulgar for instance), simply remove them from the list.

### Record audio

* If you are a Windows user, we recommend that you use **Shtooka Recorder**. It will allow you to get things done more quickly. You can read [CK's Shtooka Recorder page](http://a4esl.com/temporary/tatoeba/shtooka/) for more instructions.
* If you can't use the Shtooka Recorder, see [CK's page explaining how you can use Audacity](http://www.manythings.org/tatoeba/audacity.html).
* If you are a Linux user, you can use [swac-recorder](swac-recorder), but we do not have detailed instructions for it.
* Save your files preferably as **MP3**. You can use another format if you wish, but we will eventually convert them to MP3.
* Your audio must be named after the sentence number. For example if you record the audio for the sentence #123, you would name your file `123.mp3`.

### Upload audio

* Tatoeba doesn't provide a way for audio contributors to upload directly their audio to the website. You will have to upload your audio somewhere else (for instance Dropbox, or Google Drive).
* Send us the link to download your audio. We will then upload them to the website as soon as possible.

## Need help?

If you need additional help, please contact [CK via a private message](http://tatoeba.org/eng/private_messages/write/CK), and he will try to help you.

版本在:2021/4/12 上午1:19

# Tatoeba audio

## Audio files are contributed by volunteers

* If a sentence doesn't yet have audio, it's because nobody has recorded one for us.
* If you would like to help by recording audio, please read the instructions below.

## How to contribute audio

### Requirements

* You must have a good microphone because sound quality is important.
* You should only record audio in your strongest (native) language.

### Send us samples

1. Pick a few random sentences (just two or three), record them, and send us the samples at **team@tatoeba.org**. This way we can evaluate whether the sound quality is good enough.
2. Use the following subject for your email: **Audio for Tatoeba in [language_name]**.
3. We will contact you back as soon as possible to let you know if you can continue recording.
4. If your audio is good enough, we will send you a list of sentences to record.

### Check the sentences you are recording

* In the list that we sent you, verify that the sentences sound natural to you and do not have any mistake.
* If a sentence doesn't sound natural or has a mistake, remove it from the list. Do **NOT** record audio for a sentence that has a mistake.
* We would appreciate that you also post a comment on the sentence on Tatoeba so that the sentence can be corrected.
* Also, if there are any sentences that you do not feel comfortable recording (because they are too vulgar for instance), simply remove them from the list.

### Record audio

* If you are a Windows user, we recommend that you use **Shtooka Recorder**. It will allow you to get things done more quickly. You can read [CK's Shtooka Recorder page](http://a4esl.com/temporary/tatoeba/shtooka/) for more instructions.
* If you can't use the Shtooka Recorder, see [CK's page explaining how you can use Audacity](http://www.manythings.org/tatoeba/audacity.html).
* If you are a Linux user, you can use [swac-recorder](swac-recorder), but we do not have detailed instructions for it.
* Save your files preferably as **MP3**. You can use another format if you wish, but we will eventually convert them to MP3.
* Your audio must be named after the sentence number. For example if you record the audio for the sentence #123, you would name your file `123.mp3`.

### Upload audio

* Tatoeba doesn't provide a way for audio contributors to upload directly their audio to the website. You will have to upload your audio somewhere else (for instance Dropbox, or Google Drive).
* Send us the link to download your audio. We will then upload them to the website as soon as possible.

## Need help?

If you need additional help, please contact [CK via a private message](http://tatoeba.org/eng/private_messages/write/CK), and he will try to help you.


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